Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be Prepared

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1Peter 3:15)

Most of us would agree that it is frustrating to stop and ask someone for directions to a specific destination, only to find out from that person's response that they aren't sure how to get there themselves. Even worse are those situations when the person seems convincing and definitive in giving the directions but turns out to be totally wrong. Unfortunately, many people seek directions in life situations but receive confusing and incorrect answers. Those answers often come from those of us who are supposed to have the directions. Sadly, many of us are not prepared to give a sound reason when someone asks why they have the hope of eternal life. Tragically, there are countless individuals willing and eager to provide people with directions that are totally wrong.

As children of God, we have been called to be prepared to share our faith and point the lost to Jesus Christ. In order to do that with clarity, accuracy, and compassion, we must be growing in our own understanding of God's Word and in our personal relationship with Christ. Those who are not growing is fading. We need to be maturing daily in our walk with the Lord and deepening the knowledge of our faith.

As our minds and hearts are properly prepared to explain the hope that is within us, we should examine our own families and circle of friends to see if there may be a need for some of them to come to Christ. Begin by praying for those relationships and asking God for the opportunity to discuss the issue of eternity with those people. Take time to get to know them, seek ways to engage them in conversations that invite your telling the Word of God. Always speak the truth in love. Avoid confrontational discussions and never force involvement if they do not invite dialog.

We must always remember that the Holy Spirit does the work of preparation as well as the work of bringing a person to salvation. It is our role to be willing and able to provide the gospel message and be ready to provide biblical answers to questions they may want to ask.

It is also important to remember that in many ways it will be the testimony of how we live daily that causes others to notice a real difference in our lives as compared with others. This is why it is so critical for us to be in constant fellowship with the Lord and have a clear understanding of His Word that our lives may reflect Him to others. Strive to always be prepared!

1 comment:

Jason said...

Amen! Let's be prepared. Reminded me about my boy's scout motto during my school time. Be Prepared!