Saturday, April 26, 2008


I stumbled upon a Bible verse the other day from Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “ Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Reality check: Are we content with what we have? The poor wishes to be rich and the rich wishes to be richer. How many times in our lives we complain that we don’t have enough money to but this and that? We often hear people say that money can’t buy happiness, but yet people still trying to buy happiness.

Take a moment to think about it. Myself, for example. I loves shoes, bags, clothes and fancy gadgets like laptop, Blackberry, and the list goes on. People thought I had it all but there’s always an emptiness inside. Yes, you can be ‘happy and content’ when you’re buying something. But how long does it last? The so-called ‘happiness and contentment’ are temporary. After the excitement goes off, you’ll find yourself still lost in trying to find happiness and contentment.

Besides things that we possessed or wish to have, we try to capture contentment through relationships with others. Relationships are important – some are vital – but even these will not provide complete fulfillment. Sports, hobbies, careers, and other types of activities are also used as substitute to satisfy our hunger for contentment.

However, in the end we will find out that things never bring real gratification to our lives and none of these will fill that basic need. The Bible, in the Book of Ecclesiastes, declares that all the things in this world is meaningless and will not bring lasting satisfaction.

We might wonder if there is such a thing as ‘true contentment’ and can it be attained in this life. We may have our doubts but from the Book of Philippians, the apostle Paul gave us some insights: I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every stuation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:10-13)

The secret to contentment, as with all things, lies in our relationship with God. It is not based on circumstances but depends on the Lord, who orders those circumstances. As our relationship with Christ deepens, we will grow in grace and contentment in all things. As we strive to shift the focus from self to others, our contentment will grow. Dwelling more on the love, mercy and grace of God will increase our contentment.

Make a list of the blessings God has given to you. Reflect on how the world distracts us from the contentment that we should draw from these blessings. Start each day with thanksgiving to God.

I have started my journey to contentment, have you?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Be Yourself

Stir up the gift of God which is in you. —2 Timothy 1:6

Some Christian groups exert pressure on their members to talk, act, or look alike. This must frustrate the people who are judged for not conforming. In trying to make them "fit," the group may be stifling their strongest and best gifts.
Here's a parable that illustrates the point : A rural village was located in an area inhabited by parrots, One day a falcon landed on a windowsill, The owner of the house caught it. The villagers had never seen such a bird. They decided to trim back its feather, cut its talons and file down its beak so it would be like the birds they were familiar with.
As followers of Christ, we are to imitate Him (1 Corinthians 11:1; 1 John 2:6). If we become more like Him, does that mean we all will begin to act alike? Yes and no. Yes, in that our behavior toward others and reactions to circumstances will increasingly become like those of Jesus. No, in that we are each given unique gifts and interests and abilities to develop and use for His glory (Ephesians 4:7).
Let's not be guilty of stifling our fellow Christians. Instead, let's allow for differences. God has made them unique and gifted them to fulfill His purposes. It's a shame to turn a falcon into a parrot. — David C. Egner
God builds His church with different stones,
He makes each one belong;
All shapes and sizes fit in place to make the structure strong. - Sper
All Christians have the same employer—they just have different jobs.

The Right Track

Monday, April 21, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sushi Night Care Goup Report :P

It was a great reach out care group we had on Wednesday. With the theme Sushi Night, we play games and make sushi, with our sisters in charge of the food. Really appreciated those who prepared a lot to make this care group a success!

We have 21 people attending our care group. 3 first time visitors and some friends who came back and joined us after a while. It is good to have fellowship while making the sushi. It's kinda more informal way to know each other more. In fact food can be part of our Christian fellowship or evangelism.... mmm.. food evangelism sound delicious. But most important of all, our objectives is not only to fulfill our stomach but to fulfill the will of God! I remember in Acts during the early church, the disciples used to gather and meet together at temple courts every day. They broke bread and eat together. (Acts 2:46). How good it is ..... Thanks to all for your partnership in Christ!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be Prepared

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1Peter 3:15)

Most of us would agree that it is frustrating to stop and ask someone for directions to a specific destination, only to find out from that person's response that they aren't sure how to get there themselves. Even worse are those situations when the person seems convincing and definitive in giving the directions but turns out to be totally wrong. Unfortunately, many people seek directions in life situations but receive confusing and incorrect answers. Those answers often come from those of us who are supposed to have the directions. Sadly, many of us are not prepared to give a sound reason when someone asks why they have the hope of eternal life. Tragically, there are countless individuals willing and eager to provide people with directions that are totally wrong.

As children of God, we have been called to be prepared to share our faith and point the lost to Jesus Christ. In order to do that with clarity, accuracy, and compassion, we must be growing in our own understanding of God's Word and in our personal relationship with Christ. Those who are not growing is fading. We need to be maturing daily in our walk with the Lord and deepening the knowledge of our faith.

As our minds and hearts are properly prepared to explain the hope that is within us, we should examine our own families and circle of friends to see if there may be a need for some of them to come to Christ. Begin by praying for those relationships and asking God for the opportunity to discuss the issue of eternity with those people. Take time to get to know them, seek ways to engage them in conversations that invite your telling the Word of God. Always speak the truth in love. Avoid confrontational discussions and never force involvement if they do not invite dialog.

We must always remember that the Holy Spirit does the work of preparation as well as the work of bringing a person to salvation. It is our role to be willing and able to provide the gospel message and be ready to provide biblical answers to questions they may want to ask.

It is also important to remember that in many ways it will be the testimony of how we live daily that causes others to notice a real difference in our lives as compared with others. This is why it is so critical for us to be in constant fellowship with the Lord and have a clear understanding of His Word that our lives may reflect Him to others. Strive to always be prepared!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thanks for Thorns

To give thanks in every situations is sometimes very difficult. When your body is wracked with pain, or you have just learned that you have a physical problem for which there is no cure, or you have lost your job, or a cherished relationship has been broken, it's hard to feel grateful. But we can learn to thank God because He gives us strength when we feel weak. That's why Paul could say, "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10).

As we surrender ourselves to the Lord and remember that He is working in everything to accomplish our ultimate good, we can thank Him even when we are pierced by 'thorns'. Just remember that it's easier to bear the burden of suffering when we carry it with gratitude. Cheers!

What Type Are You?

There are two types of people in the world," someone once said, "those who come into a room and say, 'Here I am!' and those who come in and say, 'Ah, there you are!'
How different are those two approaches! One says, "Look at me! I need attention"; the other says, "Tell me about yourself." One says, "I'm important"; the other says, "You are important." One says, "The world revolves around me"; the other says, "I'm here to serve you."
Wouldn't it be great to be known as that second kind of person—someone others love to have around? Someone who displays the love of Christ openly and unashamedly?
The New Testament gives us some practical suggestions about becoming the kind of person who demonstrates Christ's love. We are told to give preference to one another (Romans 12:10), edify one another (Romans 14:19), care for one another (1 Corinthians 12:25), serve one another (Galatians 5:13), bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:2), forgive one another (Colossians 3:13), comfort one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and pray for one another (James 5:16).
There should be only one kind of Christian: the "love one another" kind. What type are you? — Dave Branon
Lord, teach us the secret of loving,The love You are asking today;Then help us to love one another;For this we most earnestly pray. —Anon.
People with a heart for God have a heart for people.

Speaking The Truth In Love

There are times when we must "contend earnestly for the faith" (Jude 3). But in doing so, we must never be ungracious or antagonistic. The 17th-century English Puritans were right when they said that faith can never be foisted on another person. Consent must be gained by gentle persuasion and reason.
Today's Bible reading underscores that principle. Paul told Timothy that "a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all" (2 Timothy 2:24). He wanted Timothy to be thoughtful and relevant in proclaiming the truth, not defensive. When people opposed the truth, he was to gently correct them in the hope that God would "grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil" (25-26).
What was true for a young leader like Timothy applies to all believers. Those who oppose us are not the enemy but victims of the enemy. They can be delivered, Paul insisted, but we are to speak the truth in love.
Truth without love is dogma that does not touch the heart. Love without truth is sentimentalism that does not challenge the will. When truth is spoken with love, God's Spirit can use it to change another's mind. — David H. Roper
To speak of the Savior in glowing terms,To tell how He died in our place,Will be unconvincing to those who hearIf we fail to show forth His grace. —D. De Haan

Truth spoken in love is hard to refuse.

Christian Giving

One thing that I learnt through my years as Christian is giving. Some said giving need to sacrifice a lot. I believe it is true if we first start to give freely when we know God. As we mature in Christ it become our second nature to give because Christ love compel and live in is. It is not our nature to give. People may give with motive or expect something back. Even if we are generous, it may be because of our self conscience and righteous. But for Christian we give because all thing belong to God and most important Christ first give His love and life for us. When we give we need to know why and willingly because we see the value. Otherwise our giving will be limited, conditionally and not cheerfully.

When I first started care group, I used to pick up people all over the place to joined us. Thinking back those days, I might get tired or even frustrated if the people I bring didn't response well. Or even think or ask why I am not appreciated by these people after all that I done.... well I realized that I did it all for CHRIST. It's OK if they don't response well, its OK if sometimes they hurt us or even make us angry. .. of course it would be good if they can response well. :P We do our best and let God do the rest. The motivation is from God. I draw strength from Him most of the time. God change my self-centered to more Christ centered. If we know this simple principle, no one can take away our peace and joy in God. Not people, bro & sis in church, family, environment, situation, circumstances, work and etc....

Every time we feel that we are tired or feel bad when we are serving God, check our heart motive and pray to God. It's what I do most of the time. It's amazing how God did all that change in my life. What I can say is all glory to Him... Amen

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Upcoming Sushi Night Care Group !!

Koniciwa .....

Looking forward for our upcoming combine young adult care group at my house YEAH!!!

Long time no eat Sushi liao ........ can't wait

Meanwhile have to enjoy looking at the sushi picture first b4 next week :P

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Covenant of Unconditional Love

Covenant are agreement made between two parties. In our church, usually covenant will remain unspoken but we should always remind ourselves as the body of Christ to keep the covenant faithfully

When we make this covenant, we saying to one another that all of your past action and your future action will not stop me from loving you. Even though I might not agree with your ideas and actions, I will continue to love you. I will do my very best in every possible way to show concern and love for you so that you will experience a touch of God's love through me.

Mathew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven (NIV)

Friday, April 4, 2008


鬼附与精神病是不同的。新约圣经提到鬼的记载有八十多处,四福音书里有十多处,清楚分别鬼附与患病之不同(参可7:31-37)。主耶稣医治一个聋哑的“病人”时,是用指头谈他的耳朵,吐唾沫抹他的舌头,然后说“开了吧”,那人即告痊愈。另一个聋哑的孩子,耶稣清楚知道这是“鬼附” 的结果,所以斥责那鬼,把它赶出去(参可9章)。现在将被鬼附与精神病作一个比较,以便辨别。
  1. 起因 多为突然而起,鬼附在其身 上,原因可能是他拜偶像,交鬼问卜, 使邪 灵有机可乘。
  2. 言语变态 能说出不是自己的声音和方言,能回答质问。
  3. 超然力量 有不寻常的力量,不容易被制服,不知痛楚。
  4. 理智 有时会有惊人的智能,知道许多他不可能的事,揭露人的隐私, 预言未来的事。
  5. 人格分裂 访佛有内外两个人的争战,乃是鬼藏在里面要控制他。
  6. 对神的反应 抗拒,惧怕,祷告时会挣扎。
  7. 康复 鬼离开后,会立刻好转,完全痊愈。


  1. 起因 心理曾受重创,打击,情绪,精神受困扰,大多由浅至深,由原而近慢慢演成。
  2. 言语变态 重复的讲着几句话,自言自语,答非所问。
  3. 超然力量 疯狂程度越高,怪力越大,更会有暴力的行动。
  4. 理智 失去理智,喜怒无常,或痴呆不动,作一些荒谬无意识的举动。
  5. 人格分裂 类似精神分裂症,分裂成不同的人格,左变右变,但两者却没有冲突。
  6. 对神的反应 似懂非懂,对祷告茫无所知。
  7. 康复 不可能忽然完全清醒,要一断时间才康复,有可能复发。


Faith CG (4 Apr 2008)

We had great time too in our Faith group, 1st time of 2nd quarter too! The atmosphere is very homy and filled with joy. Everybody was enjoying themselves especially when playing the "惊天动地" de game mastered by Lee Ling, as Ka Vun stated. 11 Faith attendance for 1st time in 2nd quarter..Let's give a loud applause to our Dear Father.. it's the highest mark we ever hit so far.... and it's surely a sign of good start. ;)

Punishment from games (cabut bulu kening mata ouchhh.... )

Thursday, April 3, 2008

企鹅 - 象征忍耐、如同全副装备好的精兵


Hope Care Group (2 April 2008)

We have our first Hope Care Group for 2nd Quarter of the year at Taman Serene yesterday. Eventhough we have 6 people but we have a good time of sharing and fellowship. Pray that we shall have visitor and our friends joining us next week .......

We have snack for food tonite hehehe and also home made soya bean (more nutrition :P)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



一. 忧虑的现象:
它使人情绪低落,无精打采,精神紧张,疲倦乏力。许多研究显示,它与高血压,冠心病, 胃溃疡,哮喘等病症有关。
二. 忧虑的影响:
三. 忧虑的成因:
1. 重视“成功”,轻视信仰,太注重物质及官能上的享受,人生目标模糊。正如圣所 说,“贪 爱现今的世界”。
2. 外来的压力和打击,如失业,亲友离世,因工受伤,交通意外,环境转变,前程未卜等。
3. 过于理想及完美主义,无耐性,急燥,同一时间想做很多事情,好战,好胜。
4. 生活节奏急促,时间表填得满满的;长期缺乏适量的运动,作息时间混乱。
四. 毋需忧虑的七大理由:
1. 深创造了我们的生命,我们自然可以相信他必关心我们身明的细节(参太6:25-26)。
2. 为将来忧虑,会妨碍我们今天的努力(参太6:27)。
3. 忧虑弊多于利(参6:27)
4. 神不会漠视倚靠他的人(参太6:28-30)。
5. 忧虑表示不认识神,对神缺乏信心(参太6:31-32)。
6. 神期望我们为真正的挑战而努力,忧虑却使我们逃避挑战(参太6:33)。
7. 忧虑使我们不能把握现在,活好今天(参太6:34)。
五. 忧虑之处理:
1. 积极参加教会的事奉,互相牧养,彼此扶持,建立更强的肢体关系。藉此了解神的慈爱及信实,并稳固建立对他的信靠及委身。
2. 每日定时灵修亲近主,祈求获得面对压力的智慧和力量。将各样难处,挂虑和恐惧交托给神。
3. 工作上,按先后次序排好每天应做的事情,逐一完成。遇到难处时,如能清楚写下该问题,有助过滤及澄清思想,获得解决的方法。当然,向别人请教也是明智的。
4. 心境上保持轻松,开朗,镇定,幽默是减轻压力的良方。
5. 多做深呼吸的运动,有助降低紧张程度,增加心肺工能,促进新陈代谢,使神经系统受刺激产生酵素,使人倍觉精神,机警灵敏,从而提高工作效率。
6. 多吃含丰富维他命B,C和高蛋白质的食物,有助抵抗压力与忧虑。起居作息定时,可使大脑皮层及全身肌肉有充分的休息。



1. “因为神赐给我们不是胆怯的心,乃是刚强,仁爱,谨守的心。”(提后1:7)
2. “在大户人家,不但有金器,也有木器瓦器,有作为贵重的,有作为卑贱的;人若自 洁,脱离卑贱的事,就必作贵重的器皿,成为圣洁,合乎主用,预备行各样的善 事。”(提后2:20-21)
一文不值 ,我们的自尊心受到伤害;但我们只要继续警醒自己的思想行为,立志跟从
3. “主必救我们脱离诸般的凶恶,也必救我进他的天国。愿荣耀归给他,直到永永远远。阿 们。”(提后4:18)

一. 我们可以……
1. 细心聆听受助者诉苦;
2. 放下自己对事情的看法和既有的观念,尝试明白受助者身处的境况,以他的眼光看他的世界;
3. 肯定受助者自己有克服困难的能力,并能突破自己,更新成长,鼓励他积极面对困难;
4. 带领受助者从不同角度去看自己的问题,分析问题的成因和症结所在;
5. 接纳受助者的情绪和非理性的反应,带他明白这些反应的前因后果;
6. 跟受助者澄清自己困惑和担忧的地方,引导他用自己的言语或方法来表达自己的感受;
7. 跟受助者一同祷告。

二. 但我们千万不要……
1. 拿自己的观点,既有的概念或任何“标准答案”,去教训,批评,判断受助者的行为或对事情的看法;
2. 对受助者自己和他的情况过早下结论;
3. 给予受助者错误的冀望;
4. 过分乐观地分析现况。


Shalom Bro & Sis

Your invited to share any thought or testimony or etc ..... here
Feel free to add anything or want to encourage anyone .....

Have a blessed time