Saturday, January 17, 2009

How to touch lives?

In our lifetime we might have lots of people that we met and known. Some we might just know from a birthday party or over a dinner at friend's house. Each of us have also a group of good friends and buddies that we used to hang out with.

According to a research a person will averagely come across 3o thousand people in their lifetime. Its a huge numbers but how many of this people we really touch them or share the gospel with.

Imagine if we could just touch 1% would be 300 lives ... wow! that's a big different in the kingdom of God.

So the question is how to touch these lives?
Maybe here are some ideas we can take note

Pray specifically and daily for the people that God has placed in our hearts today. It is best to set aside a specific time to do so even it’s just for 5 to 10 minutes. Pray that God would show us the openings and the needs in their lives.

Look for opportunity to express care in a practical way, especially where we are able to touch and meet their needs. It can be as simple as writing a card of encouragement, inviting them for a meal or offering a listening ear.

As we discover the needs and concerns in the person’s lives we can share similar experiences that we have and how Jesus has helped us in those situation. We can even share relevant scripture passages which can comfort or encourage the person. What we want to convey is that there is a God who loves us and care for us and it’s interested getting involve in our lives.

We look for suitable opportunities to invite our friends for various activities that might help them in the area of their needs. Care group is a good place to start.

Hope this can help us be more effective servant in our soul ministry! Amen!

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